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LL.M. & M.S.L. Programs Transfer Policies

Transfer Credit for LL.M. and M.S.L. Students

For LL.M. Students

Transfer credit for up to nine (9) credit hours may be possible for LL.M. candidates who have completed certain core or elective LL.M. courses while obtaining a first degree in law from an ABA-approved law school. LL.M. students who have graduated from Dayton Law may apply for and receive transfer credit for up to twelve (12) credit hours toward the LL.M. degree. For students pursuing the LL.M. degree on-campus (only) transfer credit for up to nine (9) credit hours may also be possible for LL.M. candidates who have completed certain core or elective LL.M. courses while obtaining a first degree in law from certain foreign universities. 

To receive transfer credit, the student must demonstrate that the course for which transfer credit is sought was taken at an ABA-approved law school or a foreign university within the preceding three years, that the student received a grade of "B" or better in the course, and that the course is equivalent or substantially similar to the course work required or offered by Dayton Law to obtain an LL.M. degree. All decisions to award transfer credit are at the discretion of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the Director of Graduate Law Programs or the Assistant Dean for Online LL.M. Programs (for students pursuing the degree entirely online).

Click here to read the full transfer policy.

For M.S.L. students

M.S.L. candidates may not transfer credit from prior course work to satisfy the requirements of the M.S.L. degree.

Credit for Coursework Outside the Dayton Law Graduate Programs

On-campus LL.M. and M.S.L. students may earn a maximum of six semester hours of course work from elective courses offered by Dayton Law but outside of the LL.M. and M.S.L. program curriculum. Consistent with Dayton Law’s transfer credit policy, graduate law students may also take courses in related fields from other departments of the University of Dayton or another educational institution.

Requests for credit for outside coursework of this type must be approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and the Director of Graduate Law Programs.

Transferring LL.M. & M.S.L. Credit to the J.D. Program

Academic credit earned in the LL.M. or M.S.L. degree programs cannot be applied towards the requirements of the J.D. degree.

Office of Admissions & Financial Aid

Phone: 937-229-3555



Online LL.M. Program

Keller Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2772